Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Foundation of Greatness

FOUNDATIONan underlying basis or principle. The action of establishing an institution or organization on a permanent basis, especially with an endowment.

Ilocos Sur National High School, established 1902. This year, Ilocos Sur National Highschool celebrates its 118th Foundation Day. Students and teachers have been waiting for this occasion. Everyone was busy practicing and preparing for this HS Day. Students from the Junior and Senior Highschool had been busy practicing with their MAPEH teachers for weeks in preparation for the field demo. 

I know that this is now my last high school day as a Junior High School student. Ilocos Sur National High has really enhanced me and pushed me to become a better version of myself. The Faoundation of the School is the Foundation of Greatness. So thank you for giving me the courage to be bold and take those opportunities when they arose. Thank you for not letting me hold myself back for the fear of failure. Believe me, I have experienced my fair share of failure in my time with you. Now I understand that failure is not something to be ashamed of, but should be celebrated because that means I tried, and I know how to improve for next time.

photo by: Ken Artajos

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