Saturday, August 10, 2019

filipiNO Independence

Are we really fully independent as a country? Do we really just rely on our own resources and not use the exports from other countries to develop? Does our culture really stand out as the culture of “Filipinos” and not just a B-tech culture that is copied from the three countries who colonized us? In the 121 years we have declared independence, how independent have we really been?
We Filipinos have been colonized by three countries, 333 by the Spaniards, 48 years by the Americans, and three years by the Japanese. All three of these powerhouse countries have influenced and changed how we lived then and how we are living now. We have attained our so called freedom and democracy, but we are not independent culturally and economically as a country. We have the so called “colonial mentality” where we prioritize or patronize the products and behaviors of other countries.

There is also a current issue where in there is an increase of Chinese Nationals imported and working inside our country. Chinese nationals have tripled during the Duterte Administration. Filipinos who have graduated and passed their board exams already have a hard time of achieving employment, what more now that we have Chinese nationals competing for their jobs? 

I'm encouraging you to be independent in your own way. Support our local Filipino products and never forget our roots and traditions wherever we go. Never let anyone step on our country, let's defend it with our bold nationalism and pride.

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